icons calendar17 August 2011

7 Tips for enhancing the WordPress templates

This is no secret that millions of blogs use WordPress solution owner and typically their websites based on WordPress themes. Whether WordPress templates are free or commercial you can always improve it, with some - plug-in, additional setting and parts of the code increase.

Improvement following the templates not each require any knowledge of code or other specific capabilities:

Images optimize template

Imagery of WordPress template developers are sometimes not optimized. They can easily optimize them with to reduce their size which is possible with "save for Web" feature in the Adobe Photoshop toolkit see. You can also the special Smush.it tool, with which the images without loss of quality can optimize.

You can optimize the images are logos, images, icons, headings, CSS background images, and so on. What you need the images optimization for? This can significantly improve the valuable to your readers page response times.

Shrink WordPress theme files.

Some WP templates contain not Minified CSS or JavaScript files and you can improve the template by reducing their file sizes. This process is called minification filter for textures and additional characters how get rid of spaces and tabs. You can talk about JavaScript, it with the special JavaScript Compressor minify. As for HTML, plugins such as w3 total are cache, which will reduce the front end HTML code to improve the speed of the blog.

Applying a custom favicon.

You may have noticed that the tiny icon for a Web site in the browser tabs address bars. This is the favicon, this should be also your brand and professional look.

This favicon include you can simply place the following code into the header.php in your template directory:

The location of the file favicon may be mentioned instead of the value of the href attribute.

Use custom styles to image captions withdraw.

The WordPress image captions are used to describe images. WordPress themes are usually the default styles for these labels. And you can in your template the.wp label class styles.css in change certain pally's unique style for all image captions.
Make sure the template code

This can be achieved by the generic code of WordPress, see the template tags. This action can not the other user know our WordPress version that they could help attack to your Web site with some weak points of the final versions.

Use the third-party search feature instead of the standard search bar

Many users, not even that they can easily replace the core search functionality with other searching, accurate and fast as Google custom search or Yahoo! Search BOSS. Using the authoritative third-party search option decreases your server load for the search.

Use WordPress Internet marketing tools

To bring more traffic to your WordPress blog, you can use the following tools of the market:

All in one SEO Pack
XML sitemap generator
Digg digg
OnlyWire Autosubmit plugi

All above steps improve your WordPress themes, promote improve and bring more dedicated visitors on your blog.

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